Nouveau chatbot IA gratuit : le seul chatbot dont vous aurez peut-être jamais besoin
Par Skill Leap AI le 08/28/2024 durée 06:22
- J'ai découvert un nouveau chatbot d'IA appelé Diamond, accessible gratuitement sur chat.diamond.
- Ce chatbot se distingue par sa capacité à sélectionner automatiquement le meilleur modèle d'IA selon la tâche, ce qui peut améliorer l'efficacité de vos réponses.
- Il a accès à plusieurs modèles de pointe, tels que GPT, Llama et Perplexity, tout en vous permettant de choisir celui qui vous convient le mieux.
- Si je souhaite répondre à un e-mail dans un ton amical et décontracté, ce chatbot peut me fournir une réponse appropriée en utilisant le modèle le plus adapté.
- J'apprécie la fonction de notation, où je peux donner une note aux réponses, ce qui permet au chatbot de se souvenir de mes préférences pour les futures interactions.
- Il y a un mode "Arène" où je peux comparer les réponses de deux modèles sans savoir lequel est lequel, ce qui aide à déterminer lequel est le meilleur.
- Actuellement, l'utilisation du chatbot est gratuite, mais des frais peuvent s'appliquer pour les développeurs souhaitant utiliser une API.
- Je peux également télécharger des documents pour obtenir des résumés, et le chatbot choisira le modèle le plus approprié pour cela.
- J'ai la possibilité de définir des instructions système personnalisées pour que le chatbot réponde toujours dans un ton amical et engageant, me facilitant ainsi la tâche lors de chaque interaction.
- Ce formulaire polyvalent pourrait réduire le besoin d'utiliser plusieurs chatbots, car il regroupe les capacités de nombreux outils sous un même toit.
- Même si c'est un outil prometteur, je recommande de ne pas annuler vos autres abonnements tout de suite, car cet outil est encore en développement.
Comment passer à l’action ?
Je vous suggérerais d'implémenter ces stratégies en utilisant le chatbot IA Diamond. Une bonne façon de commencer est d’accéder à chat.diamond, qui est gratuit pour le moment. Grâce à ce chatbot, vous pouvez automatiser certaines de vos réponses, ce qui peut vous faire gagner beaucoup de temps.
Tout d'abord, essayez d'utiliser le mode de réponses pour les e-mails. Rédigez simplement un e-mail, demandez au chatbot de créer une réponse amicale et décontractée, et laissez-le choisir le meilleur modèle. Cela rendra vos échanges plus fluides et professionnels.
Ensuite, je vous recommande d'explorer la fonction de notation. Si le chatbot vous convient, donnez-lui une note élevée. Cela l'aidera à mémoriser vos préférences pour vos futures demandes, ce qui rendra l'expérience encore plus personnalisée.
Vous pouvez aussi tester le mode "Arène". Cela vous permettra de comparer les réponses de différents modèles pour voir lequel fonctionne le mieux pour vos besoins. C'est une bonne façon de découvrir des options que vous n'auriez pas considérées auparavant.
Enfin, pensez à établir des instructions système personnalisées. Cela peut rendre vos interactions plus cohérentes et adaptées à votre style. Vous pouvez définir un ton amical et engageant pour toutes vos futures interactions.
Ces étapes simples vous aideront à tirer le meilleur parti de Diamond et à améliorer votre efficacité au quotidien, sans dépenser d'argent.
Not Diamond » combine tous les modèles comme GPT, Claude, et Perplexity en un seul endroit:
Citations de Skill Leap AI
"Ce chatbot est appelé Diamond"
– Skill Leap AI
"C'est totalement gratuit"
– Skill Leap AI
"Il a accès à tous les meilleurs modèles d'IA"
– Skill Leap AI
"Il pense pour la tâche spécifique"
– Skill Leap AI
"Il fait des choix vraiment bons en arrière-plan"
– Skill Leap AI
I just came across a brand new AI chatbot and this one could do something I’ve never seen any other chatbot do and I’m not affiliated this is not a sponsored video but I think you’re going to find this really useful here this chatbot is called not Diamond you could use it at chat. diamond. and as I’m recording this is completely free to use it has no limitations I’m sure they’re going to add it at some point but let me show you exactly what it does so this has access to all the top AI models in one place and there are other apps that do this too that’s not the unique part of it so you’re going to make sure all these are checked on they are by default so you’re going to get access to all the cloud models you’re going to get access to all the GPT models llama models even perplexity is included here so then what I do is I would just use it just like any other chat bot I’m going to type in my prompt I’m going to try this prompt can you draft a reply for this email keep it friendly and Casual I’m going to paste this email here and I’m going to go ahead and send this out and this is the unique part of this ch mbot so it’s going to give you a response but if you look on the bottom here it picked claw 3.5 Sonet here and he made that decision on its own and the reason why he did that is because it thinks for the specific task of replying to an email claw 3.5 Sonet is the best model which I agree with so depending on your prompt it’s going to choose in the background the best model available to answer you and again all of it is available here so all the best models it has access to now my workflow right now is jumping between different chat Bots yours might be the same right so some things related to writing a lot of times I use clot sometimes when it comes to summarizing existing texts I like chat GPT more let’s try another one what’s in the news today so this one a lot of the models are not going to have internet access to be able to answer that and if you look on the bottom it CHS perplexity again if I was doing that search myself I would probably open up a new web page go to perplexity run that prompt right I’m not going to probably use chat GPT or Claud for that now let me go to a website I’m just going to copy this entire website I’m going to ask for a short summary here paste everything in that blog post send that out and again this time it chose claw 3.5 Sonet so sometimes I personally use chat GPT to do this task but it looks like this is the model he chose and if you disagree with his choice well you just click right here and it has all these other models you could choose from so if I wanted to use chat GPT I’m gonna get the answer here out of GPT 40 right so I could just switch between them and one more really cool thing I found is if you give it a thumbs up every time let’s say that’s my preference that for summaries I always want to use GPT 40 if I give it a thumbs up this is going to remember that every time I ask for a summary to use this model moving forward and not use cloud if I give it a thumbs down it’s going to try a different model one more really interesting thing it has under the settings he has Arena mode so if you turn this on I’m going to give it another prompt here I’m going to ask it for marketing methods for small businesses this is the battle mode where you’re going to get one on the right side one on the left side and if I go to the bottom of it you’re not going to know which model it is so you’re going to need to give it a score here which one is good which one is bad so I’m going to choose this one here on the right and then when I choose it it’s going to tell me which model won between these two models so this was claw 3 hi cou versus GPT 40 now if you also look on the bottom it’s going to show you speed and it’s also going to show you a cost as I mentioned right now this is totally free there’s no way to even pay for it and I’m really not sure how they’re doing that but the cost is if you’re a developer I believe they offer an API for developers here so it’s showing you the cost so you could understand how these models compare in cost and let me see if it’s any good at analyzing documents because you can upload documents to it I’m going to say give me a short summary and Yep this was related to my last video related to Claude artifact it spelled Claude wrong because my transcription also had that spelled incorrectly but now it knows to use gp4 every time I ask for a summary which is my personal preference and this is also very useful right here it has something called custom system prompts if you turn this on it lets you give it a system prompt and what a system prompt lets you do is it lets you give a set of instructions at the account level so you don’t have to do that inside of every individual prompt so I’ve built something it’s a custom GPT that’s available for free inside of chat GPT and this one creates the custom instructions for you so all you have to do is type in something very simple and mine is just going to be always reply in a casual and friendly tone like you’re talking to a friend and if I send this out this generates something much more in- depth as far as a custom instruction goes so you an AI model designed to respond in casual tone like your ch with a friend it should be warm approachable engaging so I could just copy this over and then go back to this app and then type that out and this is my casual tone and I’m going to go ahead and save that as my system prompt and now all I have to do is pick this casual tone I could make multiple different system prompts here and then it’s going to take care of it in the background for us every time we start a new chat it knows to use that prompt in the background and you don’t have to include it in every single prompt now now if you’re like me and you’re using a bunch of different AI chat Bots I’m going to perplexity for research I’m going to chat GPT for summaries I’m going to Claud for writing emails and things like that well this just took care of all of that for us in the same chat right and it has access to all the top models it’s not even excluding Geminis there llama is there so it’s really strange that this is free right now so I wouldn’t cancel any of my subscriptions just yet but really interesting tool that does something that other chat Bots just can’t do because they’re just made by that one specific company typically and they’re not going to be able to make that selection in the background for us there are other platforms where you could choose between chat Poots but you have to manually choose that this has been making really good decisions in the background in a couple hours I mean testing again I’m not canceling anything but give it a try let me know what you think in the comment section and I’ll catch you on the next video