Comment automatiser les images générées par l’IA de vous (Flux)


Par Jack Roberts le 08/22/2024 durée 31:53

🚀 Ma communauté Skool (TOUTES les ressources)

🔮 Faire*
🤖 OpenAI :
💎 Claude :
💷 Répliquer :
😊 Hugging Face :
🧑‍💻 Github :

Bon à savoir 🤩
Les images peuvent expirer sur les liens si elles sont laissées trop longtemps, donc si cela vous arrive. Vous pouvez soit ;
A) Rédiger les 4 e-mails et supprimer ceux que vous ne voulez pas
B) Télécharger les images dans l’automatisation

Téléchargez l’extension Data Selector 👇

👋 Réservez un appel stratégie de 60 minutes :
💷 Gagnez de l’ARGENT avec Skool :

Comment entraîner l’IA sur votre image
2) Prenez 12 photos de vous et créez un Zip
3) Téléchargez les photos
4) Nommez-le
5) Créez un compte sur
6) Allez dans les paramètres
7) Créez un nouveau token et copiez-le
8) Collez le token dans les paramètres
9) Copiez l’ID du dépôt depuis hugging face
10) Créez un nouveau modèle sur hugging face avec cet ID
11) Copiez l’ID du dépôt une fois complété
12) Rendez-vous ici pour tester :

JSON Prompt :

« version »: « a738942df15c8c788b076ddd052256ba7923aade687b12109ccc64b2c3483aa1 »,
« input »: {
« prompt »: « Une photo de Jack dans un costume professionnel mais élégant regardant la caméra, [DESCRIPTION DE L’ARRIÈRE-PLAN] tenant un panneau disant ‘[NOM DE L’ENTREPRISE]' »,
« hf_loras »: [
« num_outputs »: 4,
« aspect_ratio »: « 16:9 »,
« output_format »: « png »,
« guidance_scale »: 3.5,
« output_quality »: 100,
« num_inference_steps »: 28

⌚️ Timbres
00:00 Contexte
00:20 Comment cela fonctionne
04:24 Entraîner des images
09:28 Extension Chrome
12:57 Construire l’automatisation IA
21:23 Construire Airtable
25:56 Automatiser les e-mails
29:22 Résultat final


  • Je peux créer des images AI à mon image en utilisant un système AI spécifique.
  • Je peux automatiser la génération d’images uniques pour attirer de nouveaux clients en mettant en avant leur entreprise.
  • Utiliser une extension de navigateur gratuite me permet d’extraire facilement des adresses email sur Internet.
  • En téléchargeant la page entière d’un site web, je peux analyser son contenu pour créer des images pertinentes.
  • J’apprends à utiliser une application appelée flux pour générer plusieurs images à partir de mes prompts uniques.
  • Je dois choisir une image parmi quatre options générées avant de l’envoyer par email.
  • En intégrant cette technologie, je peux personnaliser mes emails pour capter l’attention des entreprises.
  • Pour créer mon propre modèle d’image, je dois télécharger 10 à 15 photos de moi dans différentes poses.
  • Je nomme chaque photo de manière systématique pour que le système reconnaisse de qui il s’agit lors de la création d’images.
  • J’associe chaque image générée à un email, un résumé de l’entreprise et un message d’accroche.
  • Lors de l’approbation d’une image, je peux l’envoyer à la base de données Airtable qui suivra mes interactions avec les clients.
  • Je prévois d’utiliser des images personnalisées pour des campagnes de marketing ciblées, augmentant ainsi mes chances de succès.
  • Ce processus me permet de me démarquer dans un marché saturé en offrant une approche unique et visuelle.
  • En fin de compte, les possibilités avec les images AI sont infinies et peuvent transformer mes efforts de marketing.

Comment passer à l’action ?

Je sais que c’est parfois difficile d’apporter des changements. Voici quelques stratégies simples que je mettrais en œuvre pour tirer parti des leçons et des idées à partir des méthodes AI mentionnées.

Je commencerais par utiliser un logiciel d’IA qui me permet de créer des images personnalisées. Je téléchargerais 10 à 15 photos de moi dans différentes poses, puis je les nommerais correctement afin que le système puisse bien me reconnaître. Cela ne prend pas beaucoup de temps et cela peut vraiment faire la différence en atteignant deux fois plus de clients.

Ensuite, j’utiliserais une extension de navigateur gratuite pour extraire les adresses e-mail à partir de sites Web. Ce processus est rapide et peut m’aider à initier un contact avec de nouveaux clients.

Je téléchargerais également le contenu de sites Web entiers pour en tirer des informations utiles. Ensuite, je créerais des images personnalisées en utilisant ces informations de manière automatisée. Cela me permettrait d’exiger moins de temps mais d’obtenir plus d’impact visuel.

Une fois les images générées, je choisirais celle qui me plaît le plus et je l’associerais à un e-mail personnalisé. Grâce à cela, je communiquerais de manière plus engageante avec mes prospects.

Enfin, j’intégrerais toutes mes interactions dans une base de données comme Airtable, pour suivre mes progrès. En appliquant ces stratégies, je pourrais transformer mon marketing et atteindre plus de clients sans dépenser beaucoup d’argent ou de temps.

Citations de Jack Roberts

« L’automatisation offre des opportunités infinies »

« Développez votre entreprise avec créativité »

« Il n’y a pas de limites à ce que vous pouvez réaliser »

« Créez des connexions uniques avec votre audience »

« Transformez vos idées en actions concrètes »



you can create AI images in your likeness with any text that you like using this AI system I’ll show you how to get more clients on scale by using this individual AI automation I’ll show you exactly how you can train this model to create images in your own likeness and then how we can use that to create unique text and everything else to help you get more clients the images that you can generate with this guys are like nothing I’ve ever seen before and we can now do all of these in your exact likeness with accurate text the literal the opportunities for this on nut so I’m going to show you the automation at ibolt this application is going to help you get more clients but you can use it in a million of different ways so how does this one start so I’m going to give you a free CR extension that I build and I’ll put a link Down Below in description that basically means let’s say you’re on the internet and you find a business that you want to work with what do you do you all you do is you highlight an email address and basically you hit this Clum extension button at the top and almost like that it sends it immediately to the scenario this infir has a web hug that’s caught by our new automation what we do is we download the entire website page we convert it into text from that we basically create a unique prompt for that particular uh business so for instance what we’ll say is it will understand what the website’s about it’ll understand the name of the business and then it will get you holding a sign with that business’s name on it okay once that happens it then makes a request over to flux and what flux is essentially going to do guys is start to generate uh those images for us so if I come over to my dashboard now for example what you’ll be able to see is that this is cute and this is running in the background right so what that’s going to do basically is generate four images for us of that that we can then choose from once that happens and once it’s generated guys it’ll then fall through into this table here and in this table we can look at the four images and we can basically sign up and say whether we approve it or deny it and then when that’s completed what happens is it comes through to this this part here into air table and then it will create a draft with that business’s email address the unique image and some content meaning that you can now actually on scale send these incredible images to businesses as an incredible way to get new leads not sure exactly how you build this entire automation step by step including how you actually train out on your own images I have to shout out Matt wolf for this because I first saw his video on this and I thought it was incredible and after following it I really wanted to see how we could build on it to not just create them but ultimate them in a way that could potentially move the he for your business and by the way I now I’ve got a black eye was from sparring a couple of days ago don’t ask too many questions about it my name’s Jack my YouTube channel and my school community about a couple of things we’re about the latest AI we’re about incredible automations but most importantly we’re about the stuff that actually works so if you haven’t already grab that coffee and let’s dive straight in so then guys once that’s then complete then makes a request and it will add these images for us into our air table so I come back now and that air table’s complete and let’s go down and check out what we’ve got here all right cool so let’s just open these up and see what we’re dealing with so it’s given us four and the reason I put four there guys is just so we can decide what we want so let’s check out number one Leon and Company boom that’s number one we can send that one we could do this one as a number two Leon and Company number three I love that that’s a beautiful big beautiful smile phenomenal smile and number four Leon and Company so basically you pick which image you want which one do I like the best and by the way guys what AI has done is picked a background image specific to that business so if it was construction You’ probably see construction site if it’s like an indoor accounting firm that’s what you’d see come back over to number three and then what I want you to do is come down to status and hit approved and then guys we come back over to the Automation and then this will be running automatically from the background they also check all the changes that have happened and any that are approved only the ones that are approved will then go through to create a draft email now guys if this has worked when I go through to my Gmail I should see a draft email to that company’s email address plus the image plus the text that I made so let’s head over to Gmail and check that out and guys I’ve just sent it over to my email so you can see it properly but check this out hey there you’re probably wonder why the hell I sent you this two reasons I know you get mes up this all the time and I wanted to make you chuckle I can totally pictures working together and then there’s a photo of me holding up Leon and Company together like that how flipping cool is that it’s so so decent I should also say you can either attach the image to the email or you can embed it like I did I’ll show you how to do both but first of all what we need to do is start by training the image on your data I’ll show you what I found when I did it uh in F mat’s tutorial and some little quirks I think might be valid to you so step one is to head over to this page on which is which is look tacos AR toolkit uh and what we’re going to do first of all is click on train now when we click on train what we’re going to do is basically we to upload some images to the files and so guys when you do this you’re going to get a bunch of images that it is trained on so I’ve uploaded loads of images of me there’s me Flex in Ninja Warrior there’s me Flex in the mirror there’s me the mirror shot a few things from my YouTube channel me walking the doggos blah blah blah you get the idea so basically I only really uploaded what was it like 12 13 images so just upload the ones that you want and yeah just find those photos and then what I want you to do is named like this so aore photo uncore ofor your name now whenever we use that name in a prompt it will know oh that’s referring to Jack okay cool I’ll bring Jack into the photo so get like 12 photos of you get different varieties different positions whatever you want just to get a good variety then once you’ve done that guys select all of them right click and then just put compress to turn it into a zip and then you’ll get this archives dotzip we come back all right cool once you’ve done that you basically Ally going to drag that zip over this part of the images file to basically upload it so for example I come here for instance bring that over drop it in and that’s your image data then after that guys come to destination can on select a model click on create a new model as you can see this Jack King image is the one I did last time so say crect new model I’ll call it I don’t know let’s call it prints 1 2 3 4 5 there you go easy peasy lemon squeeze we come down then head over to Hung face. create a profile come over to the top right side there and then need to come down to setting then once you land here guys scroll down to tokens which should be somewhere on here access tokens like so and then once you land here come down to correctly token like so the POS the permissions I gave it were basically all the ones uh the collections interface blah blah blah that’s all really cool token name we’ll call this one Prince once more like so that’s fine gr is cool come down create new token like so and then guys we just copy it then come back over guys enter the hug and face token like so come down steps is a th000 Matt recommended that in his video I found absolutely no problem with that and it worked really well for me I left all this stuff as default you have your username forward slash and then whatever the repo IDE is for the particular thing right so I come back over this one I did previously I just put and you know name this something random like PR there you go so that’s your hugging face something you’re adding it then guys what you want to do is copy this last part of the thing here so Prince Laura then come over to hugging face one more time come over to new model in the top right hand corner and then put the model name like so license you’re going to put I think you can leave that as it is make sure it’s public then hit create model and then that has created a new model on hugging face then when we come back over now and we just click on create training for instance this should all begin to happen in the background and start to create it for us on hugging face then guys after a couple minutes you’ll start to get on here 2 out 1,000 3 out 1,000 and then when it hits 1,000 at 1,000 it will be complete and ready for you to use now when I did this last time took me like 20 minutes minutes but essentially guys that’s the full endtoend process for this part of the automation then guys once this is complete what you’re going to do is copy your repo ID here I’m going to use a different one just out of respect for your time so basically after you’ve done that you can move to this page here on look Taco again I’ll put a link Down Below in the button in the description so you can hit the button and we’re looking for flux Dev multi Laura and we click on that like so and as you can see you got all these things that you can configure on the left hand side so first thing I recommend we do now is check and you get to see the Brilliance of the automation so I come down output quality is 100 that’s excellent get rid of this get rid of this and just enter in your HF laow like so and then add value and if I give it a prompt something like let’s change the aspect ratio to 69 I would say a photo of Jack looking at the camera uh in a I don’t know let’s just call it um let’s just say in a an Iron Man suit with his is helmet off in fact let’s just do Superman one more time uh holding up a sign that says free tacos cool all right number of outputs you can specify how many you’d like we’ll just do two and then we’ll hit run for instance and then that will begin to create in the background now guys I went through all the trials and tribulations of getting this into make for you because creating on the website is one thing but then getting it into a make scenario but basically means all we ever do is press a button and the entire thing is automated is something else and by the way guys all these scenarios that you need here are all available Down Below in school community so if you ever want to use it all you do is come here click on more click on import blueprint you choose the file hit save and then the entire automation will populate for you automatically there I’m going to show you how you build it anyway so you can do that step by step but if you just want to get all the codes and just upload it all that will be available in school Community down there below so if I come back over now let’s check out what the output looks like once that’s finished loading and there’s a photo of me offering free tacos and I look very happy about the fact that I’m offering free tacos so next let’s start with getting you the Chrome extension that enables you just to grab an email on the URL and send this personalized Atri app there now this is a trigger that I’m doing but obviously you can do any trigger that you like and configure this in any way that you want and the way that this automation with guys is that you just simply highlight an email address and web page and then hit the Chrome extension button and that will trigger the entire automation so there’s many ways we can do this but essentially I’ll put the file down below for you can download this Chrome extension for free and just upload it and once you’ve downloaded it guys you’ll see four files all you need to do is right click on background. J s open with and then text edit if you’re on if you’re on Windows you want to open up with a notepad something that lets you use plain text like so and once it’s hit you’ll see this code you see this like um eu2 H hook thing so what we do is we come over to make now and we begin the scenario so what I going to call this one here we’re going to call this one superhero build together like so I you know what guys oh my goodness where is the Emoji let’s give this one a bit of a superhero Emoji I think right beautiful all right nice now let’s align this okay great we click on the button we’re going to click on web Hooks and I’m going to click on custom web hook triggers when a web hook receives data uh will click on a new web hook name so let’s just call this one super build together and then we click on Save now you’ve got a web hug here right I want you to copy that address to the clipboard and then I want to come back over to text edit and then just replace it like that and then once that’s done you can click file file and then you’re going to click save and what that will do guys it basically that means that the Chrome extension you have will fight to your scenario and not to mine since you downloaded mine all right cool then guys all you do on Chrome okay is you come down you click on extensions and then manage extensions like so I want you to make sure that the developer mode toggle is listed at the top right hand corner and by the way guys if you haven’t seen my last video on AI co-pilots and Chrome extensions I’d encourage you to watch that video because it goes into a lot of detail about the power of the stuff that you can do here now once you’ve got developed mode enabled guys I what I want you to do I’m going to remove the superhero one just so I can upload a new one with you is come down to load unpacked and then you’ll see here superhero 1.0 that’s awesome I like to do guys is click on details come down and just make sure You’ got this pin toolbar enabled and then you should see it in the toolbar and chrome now we need to check that it works properly so then come through to random website find a random email and then just hit that Chrome button in the top right now once you’ve done that it should say hey the URL and the selected textt has been successfully sent incredible then we come over to our automation and you should see this beautiful green successfully determined button what does that mean it means that it’s received the data so then I’ll run this scenario one more time I’ll come back over to the website and I’ll run the same thing again I’ll hit the button and it says hey cool it’s been successfully sent then I come back over and if this is worked properly guys I should have URL and the selected text which is email and it has which is pretty sweet cool so what’s just happened guys is you’ve got an aico pilot fold on internet and we’ll take the text and URL of that now there’s million ways that we could do this we could just send the URL and actually use AI to go forward and scrape and bring the emails out but I just wanted to keep this video focused on the AI image gen I’ve got other videos on the channel that cover that if you want me to go more depth on that let me down below but you’ll also be able to if you want to just give it URL and it will go out and find you the email for you and we’ll automate it into a Mega System it’s just if I put all the components together in this video you’d be here for two hours and maybe that’s what you want but let me know down below um but basically that’s why I’ve built this work around to make it easy for you cool now what do we do next well look we’re going to do three things we’re going to download the website we’re going to convert HTML to text and then we’re going to use this flux prompter here okay now basically what we’re doing here is creating a consistent way of explaining um how we want the prompt to be so once you’ve had a little play around with it and encourage you to do that in the playground actually and have a little fun leave have a little bit of dance with it and see till you get consistent image style that you like and then you can replicate that on scale I know to say an ounce in Pre is worth a pound and post okay so look we come back over what’s the first thing that we want to do well the first thing that I want us to do here okay is we’re going to go HTTP get a file and essentially just download the entire website like so the next thing I want to do since we don’t speak in HTML usually we’re going to type in HTML to text like so and then guys just put click on the data from that and so this will get us the HTML this will then convert it to text and then the next thing I want to do guys is come over and add in clae or you could use chat gbt if you prefer um wonderful CLA 3.5 son it’s fine Max tokens I’m going to put that at 4,000 add a message roll is going to be user content is going to be text and then we’ve got the text now here’s a prompt that I would like you to give it you’ll receive the contents of a homepage from a prospective client based on this information you must do two things your output must be in the following Json format only and I’ll cover what this is in a second and I’ll put this down below in the description so you can literally just copy and paste and all you do guys when you do enter this okay is you’re just going to change you see this bit here where it says it’s Jack King Jack Laura just change that for your specific repo ID we specified the number of outputs which is four we specified the aspect ratio and then we just say hey replace background description and business name with the appropriate information based on the client’s homepage contents do not include any explanations or additional texts outside of this Json structure the output should be valid Json that can be passed directly and then we’ve got the text and as you might believe it guys the text hereit is just just the text from the text passer and then we click okay wonderful wonderful wonderful so what do we do now guys let’s just take a recap we’re on a website we’ve got the URL we’ve got the email address we’ve caught it in our make scenario we’ve then downloaded the internet Tech we’ll download a text of the web page and we’ve now created a flux prompt so let’s just rename this just so that we can keep up with everything that we’ve got so flux prompt and give that a fire Emoji incredible now the next thing that we need to do is add in uh this business overview and then the actual request so why have I added in a business overview well I’ve done that just because I kind of want to let you if you wish um make the email more bespoke so we could actually make your Outreach email specific about their website we could say stuff like hey I see that you’ve got these Awards and I kind of wanted to check out what it’s going there so we add on a new exactly same process add new one there we call this business overview same thing 4,000 tokens user text and we just say the lamest thing ever which is hey create a 200 words summary about this business their Vibe and what they’re about and then again just give it the text from a text passer we’ll add that to our air table so if you say look I what is this business again you can just quickly see and be like okay cool I get it incredible and then guys we’ve got this here so let me build a from scratch and show what this is about right uh so we’ve got this URL API replicate post now if I on link these guys and let’s build this one together so we click on new HTTP and we’re going to go down to make a request okay so we start with the URL um I’m just going to delete this actually and just flip between the two so you can kind of get a good sense of what it is all right cool so the URL is this one here uh they got API replicate tocom V1 predictions and we come here beautiful the method is going to be post like so and then we’ve got headers so we need to add a couple of headers the first header that we need as you can see here is authorization like so we come back over H we go brilliant and then guys you’re going to need to add in a key okay and the key is basically this thing here that says Bearer and then this long really weird thing so you thinking what do what the hell is that about well where do we get this key so your key is going to be different than mine okay so all you do is you come over to replicate I want you to come to the homepage I believe you come here and you go down to API tokens in the top left once you’ve done that you’ll have these different API tokens and all you’re going to do is create token and we’ll call this one B I don’t know super super build and then click on create token awesome and you can see super build there guys copy the token or whatever your token is then we come back over you’re going to need to deposit a little bit of money into replicate to do this it’s like actually I think Matt shared a link where you can get $10 off so I’ll put that link down below um I don’t think anyone gets any commission from it or anything but it just it might be 10 bucks for you so very very cool so then all you do guys is you get rid of this and you type in your new token which is this and that basically will then give you the authorization to post the thing that you want to post all right awesome now body type is raw uh then we’ve got Json application text response which is awesome so let me come here and I’ll uh basically change this here beautiful when to come down body type is going to be raw content type is going to be uh Jason application and then we got requested content guys and for that all I want you to do is just put the text response hold on there we go let me get rid of this is request content text response from the flux prompt like so and then pass response yes and then you’re going to click okay and believe it or not guys that’s like the hardest part of the entire process done so we want to make sure now that this works properly we’re going to add in a sleep module so we come here we going to go sleep now there’s ways that we could do this like we could just keep on checking to see if the API States has changed but just for the basis of Simplicity I’m just going to add a delay when you do this I I make it 300 second delay because there’s no pressure when you’re getting it uh but in reality I’m just doing 120 for the benefit of the Automation and now we’ve got the Sleep module guys we’re just going to run this module from top to bottom okay we click on run once like so let’s go back over to creme let us then come and click the creme extension that’s been successfully sent we come back over to our automation wook’s got it got a file HTML to text the flux prompts been created we’re creating an overview with Claude which is incredible and now it’s going to make a request for us which is Ace so we’ll give that a second in the background made the request successfully and now it’s sleeping so we can start that scenario and then guys if I come back over now and I come over to my dashboard like like so I should see it’s now running and we can see in the dashboard section that the thing has actually been created which is incredible so whilst we’re just giving that a second to run I want you to add the next part of the Automation and to do that I want to come here I want you to clone this bring it here like so and all you’re going to do guys is you’re going to can off that URL okay and then you’re going to look for URLs and to get URL X so come down and then get rid of this requested content bit there and then we click okay and just to check that this works guys I come down to this one I go on to Output I go on to data I go on to URLs and I’ve got this get URL sweet so I copy that I come back and I can right click run this module only and then just enter that URL in and that will test it works but first let’s go over now and see if that’s completed or not so I’ll refresh the page we’ll give that a beautiful second and it succeeded so if I click on this image it should show us something dope let’s check out what it’s done for us cool Le company there’s me there’s me again there’s me a third time and there’s a fourth time and so guys you can like literally just choose which of these really cool for images that you want I mean like how flipping cool is that it’s literally ridiculous and I love that it kind of changed the what the font looks like so it’s not just one particular thing that’s incredible and by the way guys for this one excuse me you just want to make sure the method is get not post I do apologize so if I come back here I hit this run module once I come down I just enter that URL one more time I click okay and if I come down here to Output guys I click on plus I can pull up each of those four URLs to this out so I copy the fourth one and I come over and I’m like bro okay show me let’s just um quickly check out what this looks like I come here I enter it in and Bam there’s the image there’s the image for us ready to rock and roll so get rid of that and to come back over there incredible so the only thing we need to do now guys in this particular automation is add it in the air table so very quickly how do we do that well we’re just going to head over to uh you can create accounts very cheap very easy to do you’re going to click on create in the bottom left and we’re going to start from scratch we’re going to call this one at the top right [Music] super oh my oh my goodness gracious superhero build together like so and we’ll give us one nice beautiful yellow and of course a beautiful image like so phenomenal and I want a couple of things one’s going to be the URL for the business like so that’s going to be ace and if I can check out our last one we got business description email and then image URL cool all right sounds good to me so business description long text is fine click on insert right and then we’re going to call this one email again just do do me a favor and just keep a playing text uh it just there’s no need for it to be an email then click great uh and then basically after email I think we just want the status if I’m correct h no the image URL and then the status Okay cool so then guys here we’re just going to edit field I’m going to call this one image URL like so and again just put that down for long text and then click save and let’s just open this up a little bit oh my gosh image U now we want we want it to be properly properly done image URL excellent uh and then status guys is basically how we’re going to approve and disapprove things so to do that uh we’re going to click on status we’re going to right click we’re going to go for um deny with an emoji of course we’re going to go for Approved with a tick of course get rid of that and then we click on Save and then finally guys two more modules to add the first one’s going to be uh date sorry um excuse me and this one’s going to be create time like so and then finally it’s going to be last modify time and then we create that one as well incredible sweet this is looking very very very healthy indeed cool so what do we then guys well we come back to our beautiful Automation and then we’re just going to add in these different air tables so add new module and type in air table I’m going to C on create a record like so okay we’re here we’re pipping we’re popping we’re having a good time the base is going to be superhero build together or whatever you decide to call it I guess table is going to be table one and we’re going to scroll down a little bit awesome okay now we’ve got all the beautiful bits and pieces that we can just add in so what’s the aura the URL is all the way at the bottom on Leon and Company select URL business description we just enter the thing from the business overview email we come down and that is just the selected text cool and then we’ got image URL so what is that well that is the output from I believe it’s this one here at the top so come down to URLs uh that’s not correct it’s down to output and it’s down to this now all you do guys here okay is come left hit one copy that okay and then what I need to do is click okay and then guys come here clone it come here clone it come here clone it come here we’ll click on the second guy I’m going to come down change it from one to two Okay come here uh click on this guy come down change it from one to three and then come here and change this one from one to four another thing I want to do is just make a quick identifier about what I’m looking at just to make it visually easier so let just add this in here for this is completely optional but it’s just a little bit of a design thing so for and guys the other thing to bear in mind is just just how insane this actual quality is like it really is preposterously effective and like YouTube thumbnails like that’s changed forever now right I mean like you can just imagine use cases think about all the children that will want to see the themselves as superheroes or you could literally create all these incredible things now for people with this image gen I mean like I be really curious to know down below actually in the comments section what your like biggest use case is for this or what you think the biggest use case for this sort of stuff is going to be I’m I’m very very fascinated to know what you think because I have like a billion ideas I almost made this like 20 videos in one but I didn’t because I was like yeah this is just going to be insane otherwise all right cool so what we do we click save beautiful then guys I want to come acoss create a brand new scenario okay now look in this new scenario we’ll call this one super build uh 2 out of two obviously just give it the same name if you can with some Stars we’re going to type in air table I’m going to call on uh watch record so this will trigger automatically as soon as Something’s Happened uh the base we’re looking for is superhero Outreach built together incredible and that’s p in the background table is going to be table one and then it’ll pull through all the data fields for us right trigger Fields going to be last modified time then click okay label field uh it doesn’t really matter just put URL then click okay from now on it’s fine then next then I want to go over to Gmail what I’m going to say guys is just to create a draft so you can have some audit Trail about what you’re happy with of course you can just say do this automatically uh if it fails just basically click on add one more time and refresh and create new connection and then sign in with Google and then guys come back over add some dummy data to it select the status is just a for instance and then we’re going to come back over to the scenario we’re going to right click on watch records and run this module only and it’s pulled through all this beautiful data we love it what I want you to do is right click on this and click on set up a filter call it approved and the condition is that status contains case insensitive approved like so and then click okay uh and what that basically means is the only stuff that’s approved will actually ever go through then guys what I want you to do is create your dream draft Gmail uh whatever you want that to be uh the one that I created on mine uh was basically I’ll just copy and paste it for you I I used basically CLA to say hey here’s my email turn this into HTML and it did it which is pretty cool so uh basically what we’re going to do come down to the content enter your dream image again I’ll I’ll put this email thing down below in the description so you can just copy and paste it if you like and just have a bit of fun with it and then what we want to do guys it says image URL what I want you to do is just replace that with this image URL here but if you want to add this as an attachment guys you only need to add in another mod mod and I’ll show you how to do that in just very brief second so f d selected is draft so obviously you can send it directly if you so choose to and then in the two field in the email address you are going to come down and select where it says the email wonderful subject uh the subject that I use is quite cool and I use this one because somebody sent this to me and it worked on me and it was check out this picture of us now here’s the thing if you have the time one of the things that you can do is train a model on anybody you want and you can actually have you two hanging out together and I was like imagine if someone had done that and it’s like you know let’s say you like five clients you’re going after it’s just you and that individual it would have been insane so check out this picture of us blah blah blah we got the email then we click okay now if you want to send this as an attachment guys what you would do is you add HTTP get a file the URL on the image URL uh which is here and that will download the file and then all you do guys in the Gmail section here is you come down you on add attachment and then basically it will allow you to select this module here and this module would just sit in between these two here and that’s exactly how that would work and that would allow you to attach it now guys would you believe it but you’ve successfully developed the entire automation the only thing left to do now is to run the whole thing so let’s run this one once let’s go over to this guy here let’s run this one once let’s go over to Google Chrome and let’s just pick a completely different company so tell me down below what what should we go for why don’t we go for something like should we go for a gym let’s see if it picks up on the gyms if I just go for ultraflex leads which is one of the gyms that I love to go to come down to ultra Flex like so let’s see if there is an email address on this page and would you believe guys there definitely is so I’m going to highlight an ultra Flex going to right click and I’m going to on S to send your all has been sent successfully let’s go back over that to Brave browser we come over web hooks oh my goodness it’s pulled it through it’s passing the text flux prompt is on the go it is creating us a beautiful image and prompt and again guys have fun with that try and create as many different versions as you possibly can and see which one really resonates with you and what you want to do now that’s happening we’re creating the business overview which is excellent and the request is fired off immediately which means now if I head over to our dashboard here if I go over to my dashboard I should see there we go it’s queued now sometimes it’s queued it’s based on the volume that we have um within you know within replicate itself and obviously if you haven’t seen my last video on replicate and how to create stuff I’d really encourage that out cuz I cover a lot of cool detail that I think you might find of value in your AI automation Journey then we’ve got the Sleep module that’s just binding some time until it’s complete and they it move on to the rest of the automation guys now it’s complete it successfully pulled it through it’s uploaded all the images now to air table so if we head over to a table for instance we’ve got 1 2 3 4 let’s just check the match shall we so one two three four and let’s just see what images we’ve got for example so number one Ultra Flex gy there I am boom let’s go and I’m in a gym in a suit how ridiculous is that okay second one Ultra Flex gym I’ve got three hands oh my goodness that’s not great this one here Ultra Flex gym that’s very cool and then finally Ultra Flex so you just pick the one that you want maybe you like this one and you’re like cool guys it’s somehow actually also picked up on the fact that it’s red like an ultra Flex is only red I that could be pure coincidence but that is absolutely insane so what we do here guys copy the image or whatever you want if you want to just save it or send it somewhere and then basically guys in the actual air table itself which is here we said you know what guys I’m happy with that I approved this message I then come over but again obviously for you this running automatically hit run once it will check to see if it’s approved and it’s approved now it’s creating a draft for us and it has sent said draft over and guys the emails come through with an image holding a Ultra Flex with some information and guys I hope you find this video very interesting the applications for this are literally insane in any case I have a wonderful week and I’ll see you in the next video